You’ve Got Questions?
.....We’ve got Answers!
How do I schedule a biplane ride?
Call us at 508-428-8732 or 1-888-247-5263 and we can set up a date and a time that works for you. Walk-ins are welcome but we do strongly suggest you make an appointment so you won’t have to wait.
What are your hours?
During the summer we are at the airfield every day from 9:30 am to 7 pm.
Does the weather matter?
The biplane has an open cockpit so flying in the rain wouldn’t be much fun but we fly as long as the weather is good. Summer on Cape Cod offers a lot of sunny days.
How should we dress?
Just like you would on the ground. If it’s chilly out, wear a sweater, if it’s a warm, sunny day you won’t need a jacket. The windscreen protects the passengers from the breeze so you’ll be completely comfortable.
Is there a weight limit?
Yes and no. The passenger cockpit of a biplane is a bench seat, usually large enough to hold 2 passengers. So, although there is no set weight limit, it depends on the size and shape of the passengers. If you're not sure you'll fit, give us a call!
How high up do you fly?
We usually fly around 1000 feet, that way you get the very best views of the Cape.
How fast does a biplane go?
Fast enough! Seriously, we fly at about 80-90 mph.
Can I bring my camera?
By all means bring it along! Bring your regular camera and a one-time use panoramic camera from the drug store will give you some great wide angle shots! And if you have a small video camera you’re welcome to bring that along.
Where do you fly to?
Depending on the length of ride you take we often go over part of Sandy Neck, the canal, Sandwich, Falmouth and the Sagamore Bridge.
Can you fly over my house?
That depends. The last person that asked us that lived in Michigan! But if you’re local, we might be able to, it depends on air traffic and where your house is located.
Is the ride scary?
Not at all, you’ll be surprised at just how smooth and steady it is. Afraid of heights? Not to worry. Most people are actually not afraid of heights but of falling. You sit far down inside the cockpit with the plane and wings around you so you don’t have that feeling of being able to fall at all. And of course you’re seat-belted in.
How many people can go on a ride?
One or two people can go side by side in the front cockpit.
Is there an age limit?
Nope, we’ve taken kids and old-timer’s and they’ve all loved it!
Can I fly the plane?
Ummm, not today!
Do I have to wear goggles?
Sunglasses are fine, or no glasses, the choice is yours. Snoopy usually wears googles when he flies with us but that is his personal preference.
How do I reserve a ride?
Please call to make a reservation: